Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Haemorrhoids in t' North

Meet Emma Royds here.

Rilly Super of 'Strife in the North' meets Stinking Billy here.

Haemorrhoids in Devon

Haemorrhoids are out in force in Devon. Apparently tourists are no longer called 'Grockles'. They're called haemorrhoids. They are red, an irritating nuisance and hang around in bunches.

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Cashless Existence

A Cashless existence sounds great but like all new technology I doubt it will reach the Shires until it is 'old hat' in the capital city. I can just imagine the baker being thrilled if I produce a card to pay 80p for a couple of bread rolls.

Still if you want to read about one young man's experiment then read all about it here.