Monday 10 March 2008

Power to the People

I hope that this blog will resurrect itself at a later date. I'm sorry that I didn't get to read it before it was taken off line. As Sirona Says the spooks will be looking for her. I just hope that it is only her job Civil Serf loses and she doesn't become an accidental death. I wouldn't put anything past this Govt.
Some links that you may find interesting:

- what a shame that no-one has saved the blog entries to their PC so that those of us a bit slow off the mark could read it. Maybe this would have been a good excuse for whistle blowers to eschew copyright issues - offer their blog to be copied directly on to other bloggers pages. So would all future whistleblowers please note - get us to spread your words so that if your blog is shut down we can still spread the 'truth' for all to hear.


Whispering Walls said...

How are you surviving the storms Lady T?

Anonymous said...

How are you doing these days?

Anonymous said...

I have many times offered my blog to the nation in case of an MI5 crack down - but so far no takers....