This rather dreary wet summer with all the flooding- from north south east and west - is welcomed by some. The
hydrangeas in our garden are blooming marvellous this year. They love it. Until we moved to Devon I didn't realise there are so many
different varieties of
hydrangea. Previously I thought they only came in pink, white or blue flowers according to the acidity/alkalinity of
the soil. But now here in East Devon we have over 24 in our garden. Not one of them the same colour and numerous variations on the flowers. I have learnt a great deal. I'm a perverse kind of gardener. In dry Gloucestershire gardening on an alkaline soil we enjoyed aubretia, Iris and poppys that grew like weeds. I was always nurturing plants along with acid soil improver. Just so I could have a rhododendron or azaleas. Here in damp Devon with a rich acid soil I am overwhelmed with rhododendrons, azaleas, pieris, photonias growing like weeds. But what do I do? I buy lime and grit by the bucket full to splash around the
aubretia and Irises. I'm obviously no good as a weather forecaster either. Last year I planted all my pots up with Impatiens and we had a long hot dry summer. I was forever trundling around watering pots every evening. This year I planted up pelargoniums and the poor devils are drowning and look a very sorry sight.
LOVE hydrangas!!
That photo is wonderful!
Your weather is much like ours..
yes too much rain..
But they say that it will improve here, next week(fingers crossed!)
That picture of your hydraengas could have come from my garden it looks so like mine. How funny that you are in England and I am in California and we have nearly identical plants growing in both our yards (ok, so my yard is really more of a patio with potted plants but you get the idea). Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am adding you to my blogroll.
Merri - lets hope we get some better weather soon too.
Jenniellen - thank you for visiting and thanks for the link. Wonderful website you have for booklovers.
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