I see from the press reports today that Elton John threw a bit of a hissy fit when Police security stopped his car after the Princess Diana Memorial Concert on Sunday. He had to walk to the post concert party. He wasn't at all happy about it. I can see why. I'd hate having to walk the streets dressed in an outfit like that. It must have been very embarrassing for him. I'm pleased to see the police are taking their duties seriously and protecting the innocent public from a celebrity dressed in such unsavoury outfit. It quite makes my eyeballs swivel. Thank goodness I'm too poor to dress in such a way. But - if I were forced to wear this outfit I would at least make sure my tinted specs were brown rather than purple. Or was it Elton's way of dressing for the Princes' party - a hint of Royal Purple.
NB I'm sorry I just cannot get the link for 'reports' to connect properly. If you want to read the article click on Home and look down left column for Showbiz - click on this and scroll down a way until the Elton item link can be found lower on the showbiz page under news section. I'll try and correct it later. Updated: 5th July 2007 I see now that the article from the Daily Mail Group and This is London are no longer available.However, I did find this blog on the incident
If you want to examine this outfit in it's full gory then just double click the photo.
LOL! What a character!
I guess he is so wealthy and famous that he must think that he might as well do and wear the most outlandish things..
Did you ever get to see him in that bizarre and hilarious series Absolutely Fabulous?
my husband has a suit with a pattern on the arm just like that, well, serves him right for wearing it on a daytrip to Whitby..
I rather like the specs. The colour matches his behaviour.
My son said, seriously, why is that man dressed up like a clown? It was difficult to answer but I said basically he's very rich and he likes looking like that so...!
Hello Merri - nice of you to drop in - looks as if you're enjoying better weather than we are. I've not see EJ in Ab Fab - will watch out for a re-run.
Rilly - I know just what you mean -we have the same problem - on this coast and particular problem in sidmouth with it's narrow streets and more gulls than people. I was really 'lucky' once - covered head to toe - so rushed off to buy a lotto ticket - to no avail, oh woe is me. My fortune didn't alter - apart from the laundry, dry cleaning bills and the cost for a new shopping bag.
Mopsa - nice to see you've recovered from trip to the big smoke. You're an artist so are allowed to like purple specs.
Merry - not sure I would tell offspring that if you are rich you can dress outlandishly and do as you like - I think you should have left him his innocent childish dreams a bit longer. I agree he looks a clown.
"When I am old I shall wear purple...."
Hello Thinker - You've gone AWOL again - I hope everything's okay? Hope so...
I'm closing down and going back to work. My husband, who, this'll make you smile, is a little older than you (!) has taken early retirement. This is very welcome for all of us. He's been a restauranteur all his life and this has meant we've hardly had any family time - apart from Mondays, since we got married.
But, we do need now to restructure life. And I want to get back to being an independent adult - gasp, what a thrilling prospect! It'll mean I'll be too busy for blogging. I will come back to see you though.
Take care, it's been nice knowing you
Kate xx
What a shame - I'll miss looking in on your blog and will regretfully remove it at some point from my links. Glad to hear you will be keeping an eye on us all via our blogs.
Enjoy the next stage of your life. Many good wishes - keep smiling. x
Oh dear, poor old Elton. I fear I would be rather like Elton if I had his money. Not that I would buy a jacket with bird shit on the sleeve (!) but there are some people who, no matter how expensive their clothes, still manage to look like a bag of spanners! Yup, that would be me!
Hello AMKT - i think I'd be a bit like that - but if rich enough would pay for honest criticsm and personal trainer dresser etc. x
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