Thursday, 31 May 2007
Don't Eat Meat ~ Save the Planet
I'm a great fan of Jonathan Agnew
I listened in the the 50th anniversary of Test Match special the other day on Radio 4 just to listen and laugh over the 'The Johnners Incident'. As the following piece from Wikipeadia says :-
"One commentary that he performed with Brian Johnston for an England vs West Indies Test Match in August 1991 was voted on the BBC Radio 5 Live to be the "greatest piece of sporting commentary ever" [2]. He was commentating on Ian Botham reeling after receiving a ball and trying, but failing, to step over the stumps. Botham was consequently given out hit wicket. Agnew's comment on this action was: "He just couldn't quite get his leg over." This was followed by laughter by both Johnston and Agnew as they realised what Agnew had just said, with Johnston imploring "oh do stop it, Aggers" between convulsions of mirth (listen to mp3). In England, "getting one's leg over" is a euphemism for having sexual intercourse, something Botham had quite a reputation for [3].
Another on-air giggling fit was provoked by Eleanor Oldroyd's comment "One good bit of news for England is that Ian Botham's groin is back to full strength" [4]
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Counting My Blessings In May
- I'm still married ... so far ...
- Only half of my joints ache
- I'm still fat - but if I fell into the North sea I'd survive longer - and it would be easier to float (like cream on top of coffee)
- I discovered Westlife (sad - I know)
- I have more in my bank account than at the end of last month ...
- I can therefore go for some retail therapy
- And buy Westlife's 'Let Us Be Frank'
- The garden is looking beautiful
- I appreciate home again - and My Man, after a break away
Monday, 28 May 2007
Bank Holiday Weather
Support British Farmers - Please
About a quarter of British produced milk is made into cheese. This morning on BBC Radio 4 Farming Today I heard of yet another British farmer selling his dairy herd of 660 Holstein. One animal alone fetched 5000 guineas [i. £5000 and 5000 shillings- which I think converts to about £5,500]. I do love the fact that in this day and age when we are fighting to keep our £ sterling auctioneers still deal in a pre-decimal amount for livestock sales. If we want to protect our British countryside in all its beautiful diversity then we do need to support British farmers. The well maintained almost manicured fields with diverse hedgerows would soon turn to scrub land. And if we don't support British Farmers then it will be no use complaining when we have to import all our dairy and meat products from overseas.
Friday, 25 May 2007
I Don't Think I am Therefore ....
- I don't think I am a 'bossy boots' therefore I wont be a 'bossy boots'
- I don't think I am fat therefore I wont be fat
- I don't think I am poor therefore I am not poor
- I don't think I am lazy therefore I will not be lazy
- I don't think I am boring therefore I will not be boring
- I don't think I am a control freak therefore I will not be a control freak
- I don't think I am a nit-picker therefore I will not be a nit-picker, I mean - I will not be one - a nit picker, that is. I wont be one [ a nit-picker - I will cease to be a nit-picker - soon]. Let me re-phrase that last bulleted point :
I don't think I am a nit-picker therefore I wont be one [There, I knew I could do it and I did it]
Missing Children
I've just found out while I composed this entry that this is - International Missing Childrens Day - 25th May 2007.
I can't quite understand why or how this family are getting so much publicity over one lost child. Is it because they are middle class i.e. professional people with the right [rich] friends and contacts? There are other families in the same predicament who fade quickly from public view after a few days. They are the ones for who we should be displaying info on our blogs etc.
I know. It is sad. Especially for the Maddie. But I can't quite understand how these parents - intelligent, professional people could leave 3 very young children alone in a strange country [not peculiar strange but unfamiliar] while they went out to dine. Every evening. I know they checked on them every half hour - but for a child to wake and cry out for a parent [maybe 2 minutes after the last check] then that is 28 minutes for them to be alone, frightened and distressed before Mum/Dad turn up again! Or suppose a fire had broken out? How long before someone would be aware and attempt a rescue? Maybe I have too vivid an imagination. As I've said previously - I've never been a person where I would say "I never thought it would happen to me". This is every parents worst nightmare. But most parents don't take the risk. For a few short years you put your social life on hold - only socialising at home or when you have a trusted baby sitter. You think constantly of 'what if ' scenarios - and if there is a doubt you go without - to keep your child safe and secure. There are enough risky times ahead when children want to start to be more independent. But by that time you hope they are old enough to be 'street wise' and savvy on self protection. I know you can't wrap children in cotton wool. But I think you should when they are so very, very young.
If you are looking out for Madeleine then take a few minutes to also look at the other missing children site: -'s+day&hl=en&um=1&sa=X&oi=news&ct=title
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Glam Gal
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
High Maintenance Woman
Monday, 21 May 2007
I Blog, Therefore .......
- I think, therefore I am a thinker
- I think I am a writer, therefore I am a writer
- I think I am love, therefore I am a love
- I think I am beautiful, therefore I am a real beauty
- I think I am healthy, therefore I am healthy
- I think I am slender, therefore I am
- I think I am wise, ....
- I think I am clever,.....
- I think I am creative, .....
- I think I am Rich, ......
- I think I am artistic, ......
- I think I am kind,
- I think I am content, ...
- I think I am about to win a BIG Premium Bond prize, therefore I win a ...
- I think I am, therefore I am, - I think - or am I?
Sunday, 20 May 2007
What's In a Name?
Saturday, 19 May 2007
Desperate Measures
" Um, yes. Is it right you um promise umm er uh complete confidentiality?"
" Yes that's right, we .. "
"Well, it's Tony here - you know Tony Bliar and I just don't know who else to talk to ... I ....... I ,, um .... "
"That's all right Tony, take your time. I'm here for you ... to help by listening "
"Well the thing is I'm going to be outta work at the end of June. I live in a tied cottage in London. I hinted years ago that I'd soon be looking out for a new position - I thought they would beg me to stay on but they didn't - ... they didn't understand -I didn't really mean it.. I thought it would all get better and I'd be in the job for simply ages and ages. But they thought I really meant what I said! They should've known me better than that!! I still can't believe it. It's not as bad as everyone thinks - I know I've done all the right things - but no-one believes me anymore. I'm not the only one who knows that everything I've done was the right thing and that it was all for the best, the best for everyone. The man upstairs, well he'll be the final judge - and no - I don't think my little heart problem was a hint from him that maybe I was wrong. I know that all that lying and manipulation - I mean by others - was in the interests of us all against them - the OTHERS. Have you seen LOST? Well, anyway, they believed me yet again - just when I really didn't mean what I said. But I get confused sometimes about what I do or don't mean. I thought they wouldn't believe me any more and then they agreed with me and told me I would be leaving soon. I've had notice for months now that the job was going to be taken away from me - they say I'm no good at it anymore and need to make way for a better man. Dew'no I still can't believe that I'm gonna be outta me job at the end of June ........ "
"So, you're going to be made redundant and you're finding it hard to come to terms with?"
"Yes - and the thing is Cherry - my wife - hasn't got our new home ready yet so when I'm outta work the whole family have to move outta the tied cottage and we don't have the new place ready for us to move into. The builders have only just started on rebuilding it - it's a bit of a hovel at the moment - and we gotta knock two into one - I know from reading the blogs of theWife/Strife in the North that it is a horrendous road we have to travel "
"So, besides coming to terms with losing your job - you'll also have to live on a building site for a while?"
"No - Oh no! - we do have another home we can use but it's an even worse hovel - it's small and cramped and mean like the homes that ordinary people have to live in - but worse than that ..... gulp .... worse than that ..... we'll have to live off what little money Cherry can make and my pension which is only around £200,000 per year (index linked) but then even worse than that ..... GULP ... it's worse than that ....."
"You can tell me Tony, what's worse than that?"
"Well --the hovel - it's in the North -- and as everyone knows it's really grim up North"
Friday, 18 May 2007
Knowing My Worth
The Whiteoaks of Jalna
Right - now how many of you remember these books? Did you ever read them? I used to love them as a teen. I think I'll have to get one to read for a trip down memory lane. The author was Mazo de la Roche. I loved books where you had a whole raft of characters that you could meet again and again with each subsequent saga. Just like a soap opera. The whole idea of a family living on an estate in a family house with that whole clan thing going on was the kind of life I always saw as 'perfect'.
I see that her real name was Mazo Roche but that she added the 'de la' . This set me wondering as to what name I would like to be known as an author. Penelope de la Southwell doesn't have quite the right ring to it. How about:
- Canola de la Colyford
- Olive de la Oyl [it does flow off the tongue]
- Corinne de la Beer
- Theresa che Green
- Tabitha de la Ware
- Penelope Deadly
I can see I'll have to give this subject some deep consideration. Until I have a name how can I write a book?
Holidays - Are They Worth It?
But maybe my long held dream of writing a book and (big day dream this) of actually getting into print should be got under way. As, according to Yahoo my stars for today: -
Something is coming to an end concerning the lack of confidence you have in yourself, dear Pisces. You have been hesitating to stand in the spotlight for quite a while now, feeling you are not quite ready. Well, no more excuses! Ready or not, you are going to have to push forward. The only thing you risk losing is your pride, and that is most resilient.
After all, Mary Wesley had her first adult book published when she was 70. So it's not too late!
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Wife/Strife in Trouble in the North?
"RNLI crews from Seahouses and Holy Island were also called to the submerged road, where they found the man and children on the car's roof and the woman up to her waist in the water. All were winched to safety without injury ...."
I couldn't help but wonder. I could easily imagine this happening to the W/Strife in the North. It's usually southerners who get into this kind of trouble up in t'grim north.
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
It's All in the Stars
"Today is a good day for devoting time and thought to spiritual pursuits, dear Pisces. Do something that inspires you and that instills a sense of wonder deep in your soul. Walk into a church and light a candle, sit outside and watch the changing sky, or spend time in front of a painting in your local museum. Meditate on your concept of God and the interconnection of man and Earth, of past and present. Savor the sense of connection you feel."
I know just what it means. By the time I have devoured the latest blog from the "Wife in the North" and then "Strife in the North" I really feel a sense of connection. Bathroom showrooms - never, ever have real water sploshing around. So you can't test out out how practical these impressive modern bathrooms are when in use. I had 2 attempts until I got it just about almost right. But in the next house we 'makeover' I intend to keep the old flush system and hide it in a box - they are far more efficient that any modern version.
Monday, 14 May 2007
Old Young or Young Old
Saturday, 12 May 2007
Emergency Planning
Well I'm still stock-piling food [ I'm sure that is helping Sainsbury's and Waitrose on their profit levels] but I am beginning to run out of space. I was wondering recently about getting the builders back in to advise whether we have space for them to dig under the foundations and build a huge cellar. I could store a lot of groceries and water in there. It would rejuvenate my jaded palate for shopping. I already have cupboards stuffed full with maxi soups, baked beans, sweetcorn and tuna by the ton. But experience has already shown that I'm not too keen on making a meal out of these ingredients. They would have to be for emergency use only. Therefore to keep my spirits up, in the event of an emergency, I need to stock a few more items of quality gourmet foods with a long shelf life. The freezers are full but in a real emergency then the electricity supply may fail - so I can't rely on frozen goodies. Also frozen foods invariably need cooking and camping stoves are not the most reliable means of cooking. Now supposing when this emergency happens there is a party of ramblers passing by who need to get indoors? Then there is no way my hoard of stock would be sufficient.
I remember being told by a friend of 'someone' who worked in Kuwait when Saddam Hussein invaded. He popped over to the British Embassy looking for shelter and support and was refused entry as "we only have enough food for ourselves". Well, I can tell you this shattered a few illusions for me. However, much you berate the USofA I just cannot imagine them saying such a thing. After all, I've seen "The Killing Fields". Half of the American population and journos visiting Vietnam were rescued from the US Embassy roof via a fleet of helicopters. However, much I am proud of being British there is no way I feel able to emulate the attitude of the British Embassy in Kuwait. I couldn't refuse refuge to a few ramblers in distress - out in the open just as an emergency happens. Therefore I need to re-think my contingency planning scheme. Any suggestions as to what I could store, that doesn't need much cooking and with a long shelf life, gratefully received. Meanwhile I'll contact the builders on Monday.
Rape of the Countryside
Friday, 11 May 2007
Holiday - Experiences to Remember
- I took [or rather,was taken by] a shopping trolley up to the 2nd floor on a travelator in a Tesco superstore - scary . I was so sure I was going to topple backwards I rode the mountainous travelling belt behind my trolley with my legs braced - one foot several yards behind the other - as if scaling Everest. I thought that one should try and walk up like climbing stairs on an escalator - not realising the trolley was firmly held in place till the end of the ride. My sister was openly amused but she may not have found it so funny if she'd read about the accidents that can happen. Going down had a different challenge - I felt obliged to canter as I exited the belt. Who needs a fair ground ride?
- I had a chance to play bowls on a Wii where I scored 9 out of 10 strikes and also tried my hand at boxing which was a bit more of a vigorous work out.
- Saw all my family and friends
- Walked in woods full of bluebells
- Explored Southwold Pier and the amusements
- Found 2 clematis - which I have to add to our collection - in a lovely nursery in Suffolk
- Caught a cold in Suffolk , took it back to Surrey and am currently spreading it around Devon.
- And finally, something very important which I almost forgot, I discovered Molton Brown liquid hand wash and hand lotion. I just have to source a supplier in the West country now.
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Household Pests
The English Language in Essex
Carpet of Bluebells
